We understand the impact sleep apnea can have on daily living. This condition disrupts our sleep, leaving us feeling tired, irritable, and less productive. Sleep apnea doesn't just cause loud snoring; it also interrupts breathing multiple times a night, depriving the brain of the oxygen it needs. Recognizing the symptoms, such as frequent waking at night, morning headaches, and daytime drowsiness, is the first step in seeking effective treatment.

Addressing sleep apnea often starts with making specific lifestyle changes. Simple actions like maintaining a healthy weight, quitting smoking, and avoiding alcohol before bed can significantly alleviate symptoms. These practical steps help us manage sleep apnea in a natural and positive way, enhancing overall sleep quality and health.

In addition to lifestyle adjustments, there are natural remedies that can further help manage sleep apnea. Techniques like positional therapy, using essential oils, and practicing good sleep hygiene can foster a better night's rest. Alongside these remedies, Dr. Mangelson’s expertise in creating customized oral appliances offers an effective alternative treatment. These devices are designed to keep airways open, making breathing easier during sleep and reducing apnea episodes. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive approach to managing sleep apnea, helping everyone achieve restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Understanding Sleep Apnea and Its Symptoms

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. This condition occurs when the muscles at the back of the throat fail to keep the airway open, despite efforts to breathe. It's essential to recognize the symptoms early to seek effective treatment. Common signs include loud snoring, waking up gasping or choking, morning headaches, and daytime fatigue. Some people may even experience mood changes, such as irritability and difficulty concentrating.

Knowing these symptoms can help us identify sleep apnea and take the necessary steps toward better health. Often, partners or family members notice the symptoms before the affected person does. If any of these symptoms are present, it’s important to consult a healthcare provider. Understanding sleep apnea can lead to timely intervention and better management of the condition, ensuring a good night's rest and improved overall well-being.

Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Making certain lifestyle changes can greatly reduce sleep apnea symptoms. These changes focus on healthier habits that support better breathing during sleep. One of the most effective steps is maintaining a healthy weight. Excess weight, especially around the neck, can block the airway and cause or worsen sleep apnea. Regular exercise and a balanced diet go a long way toward managing weight and improving sleep quality.

Another significant change involves altering sleep positions. Sleeping on the back can cause the tongue and soft tissues to obstruct the airway. Positional therapy, which encourages sleeping on the side, can help keep the airway open. Additionally, avoiding alcohol and sedatives before bed is crucial. These substances relax the muscles of the throat, increasing the likelihood of airway obstruction. Smoking cessation is also important, as smoking can increase inflammation and fluid retention in the airway, worsening sleep apnea symptoms. Making these adjustments can lead to noticeable improvements in sleep quality and overall health.

Natural Remedies and Techniques for Better Sleep

In addition to lifestyle changes, several natural remedies and techniques can help alleviate sleep apnea symptoms and improve sleep quality. One effective method is practicing good sleep hygiene. This includes maintaining a regular sleep schedule, creating a comfortable sleep environment, and establishing a relaxing bedtime routine. Avoiding electronic devices before bed can also help, as the blue light from screens can interfere with sleep patterns.

Another natural remedy is positional therapy. Using specific pillows or wearable devices designed to encourage side sleeping can keep airways open and reduce sleep apnea episodes. Moreover, certain breathing exercises and throat exercises designed to strengthen the muscles around the airway can be beneficial. These exercises can improve muscle tone and reduce the likelihood of airway collapse during sleep.

Some people find relief using essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus, which can promote relaxation and better breathing. Additionally, staying well-hydrated and maintaining a balanced diet can support overall respiratory health. These natural remedies, combined with consistent lifestyle changes, can significantly enhance sleep quality for those suffering from sleep apnea.

How Dr. Mangelson's Oral Appliances Can Help

For patients seeking an effective and comfortable alternative to traditional treatments, Dr. Mangelson’s oral appliances offer a promising solution. These devices, often referred to as sleep apnea mouthguards or mouthpieces, are custom-designed to fit each patient’s mouth. They work by repositioning the lower jaw and tongue to keep the airway open during sleep, reducing the occurrence of breathing interruptions and promoting better sleep.

Dr. Mangelson takes a personalized approach to fit each oral appliance. After a thorough evaluation, we create a custom device tailored to your specific needs. These appliances are made from durable, high-quality materials to ensure comfort and longevity. Unlike other treatments, Dr. Mangelson’s oral appliances are easy to use and maintain, and they can significantly improve sleep quality and reduce symptoms like snoring and daytime fatigue.

Patients who use these oral appliances report better sleep, increased energy levels, and an overall improvement in their quality of life. By choosing an oral appliance from Dr. Mangelson, you are opting for a non-invasive, effective way to manage sleep apnea. This treatment allows you to sleep more soundly and wake up feeling refreshed.


At CSAT Taylorsville - The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ, our aim is to help patients achieve better sleep and overall health. Understanding sleep apnea and its symptoms is the first step towards taking control of your sleep health. Combined with lifestyle changes, natural remedies, and the innovative oral appliances offered by Dr. Mangelson, there are many effective ways to manage and improve sleep apnea symptoms.

If you or a loved one is struggling with sleep apnea, consider exploring these options to find relief. Dr. Mangelson’s personalized approach and expertise in creating oral appliances provide a comfortable and effective alternative treatment. Take charge of your sleep health today and experience the profound benefits of a good night's rest.

For more information on how we can help you manage sleep apnea, contact us at CSAT Taylorsville - The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ. Let us assist you in achieving restful and rejuvenating sleep through sleep apnea treatment in Salt Lake City.