You might have TMJD if you feel sensitive teeth, headaches, ear pain, or locking or clicking of the jaw joint (TMJ). Some TMJ sufferers experience incapacitating pain without understanding its cause. We advise you to visit our TMJ doctor in Salt Lake City if you have TMJ issues for a thorough evaluation and TMJ disorder treatment.
Behind your jaw, in each temporomandibular joint, is a disc. Behind your jaw, on either side of your skull, there are two. As a buffer between the two, the (TMJ) disc rests between a ball and a socket. Your jaw is supported while it moves and functions by the temporomandibular joint.
Your jaw is supported by the temporomandibular joint as you chew, speak, and use the muscles in your mouth. Your pain may be coming from this location if it tightens up or if it's somehow restricted.
TMJ problems is a chronic pain syndrome linked to temporomandibular joint dysfunction. TMJ issues frequently manifest as symptoms including persistent headaches, teeth grinding, face, and jaw pain. It is crucial for patients to see a dentist trained in treating TMJ disorders so that the proper tests may be done. Doctors frequently misdiagnose TMJ disorders.
The state of your smile and your quality of life may suffer if the TMJ issue is not treated. TMJ issue patients can receive a wide spectrum of TMJ treatment in Utah from our TMJ clinic in Salt Lake City.
TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) is characterized by jaw pain and soreness, constant clicking, restricted range of motion, and occasionally headaches or earaches. Consult with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon if you experience any of these TMD symptoms since we are experts in treating issues involving the facial bones, particularly the jaw. TMJ issues can range from moderate to severe, and they can be temporary or permanent. Therefore, each patient's scenario is handled differently when they receive TMJ treatment in Salt Lake City.
There isn't just one cause of TMJ dysfunction. Different factors may cause stress or dysfunction in the temporomandibular joint. A malocclusion, crooked or misaligned teeth, or orthodontic issues are common in patients who develop TMJ conditions. It gets more challenging to eat, chew, and speak without experiencing pain or discomfort when the jaw joint is constantly under stress and damage.
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, please come into our TMJ treatment center and speak to us about our jaw pain treatment options.
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