Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders can cause significant discomfort and disrupt daily activities. We understand the impact that TMJ pain can have on your quality of life. That's why it is essential to recognize the symptoms and causes, so you can seek timely and effective treatment.

TMJ disorders often present with symptoms such as jaw pain, clicking or popping sounds when moving the jaw, headaches, and even earaches. These symptoms can stem from various causes, including stress, arthritis, jaw injury, or teeth grinding. By understanding these causes and symptoms, you can better communicate your issues to a specialist and receive the appropriate care.

Dr. Mangelson, with his expert knowledge and experience, offers non-invasive treatments to manage TMJ pain effectively. In addition, incorporating simple home exercises and making lifestyle changes can significantly ease the discomfort associated with TMJ disorders. This comprehensive approach ensures that you can find relief and regain your well-being through manageable, everyday practices.

Understanding TMJ Disorders: Common Symptoms and Causes

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders affect the joint connecting our jaw to our skull. These disorders cause pain and discomfort in our jaw and muscles controlling jaw movement. Common symptoms include jaw pain, headaches, difficulty chewing, and a clicking or popping sound when opening or closing our mouth. Some people may also experience lockjaw, where the jaw becomes stuck in a certain position, making it hard to open or close the mouth.

Several factors contribute to TMJ disorders. One major cause is jaw injury, which can happen due to trauma or excessive strain. Arthritis in the joint, which can be either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, also leads to TMJ issues. Prolonged teeth grinding and clenching, often related to stress, increase the pressure on the TMJ, causing inflammation and pain. Finally, improper alignment of the teeth or jaw, known as malocclusion, can trigger TMJ problems. Understanding these symptoms and causes helps us seek appropriate treatment options to manage and alleviate the pain.

Dr. Mangelson’s Top Non-Invasive TMJ Treatments

Dr. Mangelson offers various non-invasive treatments to help relieve TMJ pain. One effective method is the use of oral appliances or mouth guards. These custom-made devices help to reduce jaw pressure by keeping our teeth apart, minimizing teeth grinding and clenching. Wearing these devices, especially at night, helps prevent further joint damage and provides significant pain relief.

Another popular treatment is physical therapy, which includes exercises to strengthen and stretch the jaw muscles. Physical therapists may also use techniques like ultrasound or moist heat and ice packs to reduce inflammation and ease muscle tension. Dr. Mangelson often collaborates with physical therapists to create a personalized exercise plan that suits our specific needs, aiming for long-term relief and improved jaw function.

In addition to oral appliances and physical therapy, medications like anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants can be prescribed to alleviate pain and reduce muscle spasms. Dr. Mangelson ensures that all treatment plans are tailored to address the individual conditions, offering comprehensive care that focuses on relieving pain and restoring normal jaw function without the need for surgery.

Simple Home Exercises for TMJ Pain Relief

Managing TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorder often involves performing simple exercises that can help relieve pain and improve jaw function right at home. Dr. Mangelson recommends various exercises that are designed to stretch, strengthen, and relax the jaw muscles. One effective exercise is the Jaw Stretch, where you gently open your mouth as wide as comfortable and hold this position for a few seconds before slowly closing it. Repeating this exercise several times a day can reduce stiffness and improve jaw movement.

Another useful exercise is the Resisted Closing of the Mouth. To do this, place your thumb under your chin and gently push upwards while simultaneously trying to close your mouth. This resistance helps strengthen the jaw muscles and provides relief from pain. Additionally, Masseter Muscle Massage involves using your fingers to apply gentle pressure and massage the muscles around the jaw. These exercises, when performed regularly, can significantly lessen TMJ symptoms and enhance overall jaw functionality.

Lifestyle Changes to Support TMJ Management

In addition to exercises, making certain lifestyle changes can greatly support TMJ management. One important change is modifying your diet to include softer foods that require less chewing effort. Foods such as yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies can be easier on the jaw and reduce strain. It’s also beneficial to avoid chewing gum or eating hard, crunchy foods that can exacerbate jaw pain.

Stress reduction is another key factor in managing TMJ disorders. High stress levels can lead to behaviors such as teeth grinding and jaw clenching, which further aggravate the condition. Practicing relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga, can help alleviate stress and prevent these harmful habits. Additionally, maintaining good posture, especially when sitting for long periods, can reduce neck and jaw discomfort. Combining these lifestyle adjustments with home exercises can provide a comprehensive approach to managing TMJ symptoms effectively.


Understanding and managing TMJ disorders and sleep apnea can greatly enhance our overall health and quality of life. By recognizing the symptoms and making necessary lifestyle changes, we can take control of these conditions. Simple home exercises and dietary adjustments can alleviate TMJ pain, while stress management techniques contribute to overall well-being. Dr. Mangelson’s expertise in providing non-invasive treatments ensures personalized care for effective pain relief and symptom management.

At CSAT Taylorsville - The Center For Sleep Apnea and TMJ, our goal is to offer holistic, patient-centered solutions. If you are experiencing symptoms of TMJ disorder or sleep apnea, reach out to us for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plan. Together, we can help you achieve better health and improved quality of sleep. Contact CSAT Taylorsville - The Center For Sleep Apnea and TMJ today to schedule your TMJ treatment and embark on your journey to wellness.