Sleep apnea is a common condition that affects many people worldwide. It occurs when your breathing stops and starts repeatedly during sleep. This can lead to poor sleep quality and various health issues. Identifying and managing sleep apnea is crucial for overall well-being.

Dr. Mangelson specializes in providing effective relief for sleep apnea through oral appliances. These devices are a great alternative, especially for those who find other treatments uncomfortable. Understanding how these appliances work and how they are customized can help you make informed decisions about your treatment. In this article, we will dive into the different types of sleep apnea, explore why oral appliances are a beneficial alternative, and discuss how Dr. Mangelson creates custom mouth guards to ensure the best fit and function.

Sleep apnea doesn't have to disrupt your life. With the right treatment, you can enjoy restful nights and improved health. Let's explore how addressing sleep apnea with oral appliances can offer you the relief you are seeking.

Understanding the Different Types of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea comes in different forms, each with its own causes and symptoms. The most common type is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA happens when the muscles at the back of your throat relax too much. This relaxation blocks your airway, causing you to stop breathing several times during the night. You may wake up gasping for breath, snore loudly, or feel extremely tired during the day.

Another type is central sleep apnea (CSA). Unlike OSA, CSA occurs when your brain fails to send the right signals to the muscles that control breathing. This type of sleep apnea is less about blocked airways and more about communication issues between your brain and muscles. Sometimes, a person can have a combination of both, called Complex Sleep Apnea Syndrome.

Knowing the type of sleep apnea you have is critical for effective treatment. Dr. Mangelson can help identify the type of sleep apnea you are experiencing through a detailed consultation and symptoms review. Understanding the specifics of your condition allows us to tailor a treatment plan that addresses your unique needs, ensuring better sleep and improved health.

Oral Appliances: An Effective Alternative for Sleep Apnea

Oral appliances are becoming a popular alternative for treating sleep apnea, especially for those who find other methods uncomfortable. These devices fit into your mouth much like a sports mouth guard or an orthodontic retainer. They work by repositioning the lower jaw, tongue, and soft tissues to keep your airway open during sleep.

One of the main benefits of using oral appliances is their convenience. They are small, portable, and easy to use. You don't need to worry about complicated setups or dealing with bulky equipment. Dr. Mangelson specializes in fitting these appliances, ensuring they provide maximum comfort and effectiveness.

Another advantage is that oral appliances are custom-made to fit your mouth perfectly. Dr. Mangelson takes precise measurements to design an appliance that matches your dental structure. With this custom fit, you can sleep comfortably and know that your treatment is working efficiently. Oral appliances are an excellent choice for many, offering a balance of comfort and effectiveness in managing sleep apnea.

How Dr. Mangelson Customizes Sleep Apnea Mouth Guards

Dr. Mangelson's approach to customizing sleep apnea mouth guards ensures that each device is tailored to meet the specific needs of the patient. This process starts with a comprehensive evaluation, where we discuss your symptoms and medical history. Dr. Mangelson examines the structure of your jaw and teeth to determine the best fit for your mouth guard.

We use precise molds of your teeth to create a mouth guard that fits perfectly. These molds help us design a device that comfortably keeps your airway open during sleep. Dr. Mangelson then makes any necessary adjustments to ensure the mouth guard works effectively without causing any discomfort. This personalized approach maximizes the benefits of the treatment, providing significant relief from sleep apnea symptoms.

Additional Tips for Managing Sleep Apnea Without CPAP

Alongside using custom mouth guards, there are several lifestyle changes you can adopt to manage sleep apnea more effectively. Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial, as excess weight can contribute to airway obstruction. Regular exercise can help you lose weight and improve your breathing.

Sleeping on your side rather than your back can also reduce sleep apnea symptoms. Using pillows to maintain this position might help. Avoiding alcohol and sedatives before bedtime is advisable since these substances can relax the muscles in the throat, making sleep apnea worse. Lastly, establishing a regular sleep schedule can enhance the quality of your sleep and reduce the severity of symptoms.


Effectively managing sleep apnea is possible with the right treatments and lifestyle changes. Custom mouth guards crafted by Dr. Mangelson provide a comfortable and effective alternative to traditional treatments, making it easier to breathe properly during sleep. By following his guidance and incorporating healthy habits, you can significantly improve your sleep quality.

If you are ready to explore how custom mouth guards can help manage your sleep apnea, get in touch with us at CSAT Taylorsville, The Center for Sleep Apnea, and TMJ. Dr. Mangelson is dedicated to providing personalized sleep apnea treatment to help you achieve better sleep and a healthier life. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.