Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder characterized by repeated pauses in breathing during sleep, resulting in fragmented sleep patterns and daytime fatigue. While various factors can contribute to sleep apnea, an often overlooked aspect of this condition is its potential impact on dental health. Conversely, certain oral health issues can contribute to the development or exacerbation of sleep apnea. Therefore, understanding the connection between sleep apnea and oral health is critical for individuals seeking comprehensive sleep apnea treatment.

At CSAT Taylorsville - The Center For Sleep Apnea and TMJ, we emphasize the critical role that dental health plays in sleep apnea management and treatment. Our team of experienced professionals works to address the oral health aspects of sleep apnea to offer comprehensive and effective solutions for improved sleep and overall well-being. In this article, we will delve into the connection between sleep apnea and dental health, highlight potential dental issues that can contribute to sleep apnea, and discuss various dental treatments available to help manage and alleviate sleep apnea symptoms. By gaining a deeper understanding of the oral health aspects of sleep apnea, you can make more informed decisions about your sleep apnea treatment and achieve better sleep, dental health, and overall well-being.

The Connection between Sleep Apnea and Oral Health

Various aspects of oral health are interconnected with sleep apnea. Key connections between sleep apnea and dental health include:

1. Airway obstruction: Oral tissues, such as an enlarged tongue or soft palate, may contribute to the airway obstruction in obstructive sleep apnea. The position of the jaw can also play a critical role in maintaining an open airway during sleep, with jaw misalignment potentially exacerbating sleep apnea symptoms.

2. Bruxism: Sleep apnea is often linked to bruxism, the grinding or clenching of teeth during sleep. Bruxism can cause excessive tooth wear, tooth fracture, and tooth sensitivity. Additionally, the forces exerted by bruxism can also exacerbate temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

3. Periodontal issues: Sleep apnea can contribute to the development of periodontal (gum) disease, as reduced saliva production during sleep can lead to bacterial overgrowth and gum inflammation. Conversely, periodontal disease may exacerbate or contribute to sleep apnea by increasing inflammation and narrowing the airway.

Understanding these connections can help guide appropriate dental-focused treatment strategies for individuals living with sleep apnea.

Oral Health Issues Contributing to Sleep Apnea

Certain dental and oral health problems can contribute to the development or worsening of sleep apnea. These issues include:

1. Malocclusion: Misaligned teeth can affect the positioning of the jaw, potentially leading to sleep apnea by restricting proper airflow during sleep.

2. Tongue size: A larger-than-average tongue can obstruct the airway during sleep, contributing to sleep apnea symptoms.

3. Jaw structure: An underdeveloped or misaligned jaw can result in a narrower airway, increasing the likelihood of sleep apnea.

4. Nasal obstruction: Oral health issues, such as a deviated septum, can lead to nasal blockages, which force individuals to breathe through their mouth, potentially worsening sleep apnea.

Addressing these oral health issues through targeted dental treatment strategies can play a significant role in improving sleep apnea symptoms.

Dental Treatments for Sleep Apnea

Dental treatments for sleep apnea focus on addressing the oral health issues contributing to the disorder. Some effective dental treatment options include:

1. Oral appliance therapy: Custom-fitted oral appliances, such as mandibular advancement devices or tongue retaining mouthpieces, help maintain an open airway during sleep by repositioning the jaw or tongue. This treatment can be especially beneficial for individuals with mild to moderate sleep apnea.

2. Orthodontic treatment: In certain cases, orthodontic treatment such as braces or Invisalign can help address malocclusion issues and improve jaw alignment, alleviating sleep apnea symptoms.

3. Orthognathic surgery: For more severe jaw structure issues or cases where non-surgical treatments are insufficient, orthognathic surgery may be recommended to reposition the jaw and improve airway management during sleep.

4. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy: While not a dental treatment per se, CPAP therapy remains a gold standard treatment option for sleep apnea. Dental professionals can collaborate with sleep specialists and physicians to ensure a comprehensive treatment plan incorporates both dental-focused and non-dental approaches.

A combination of these dental treatments, tailored to address each individual's oral health issues contributing to sleep apnea, can yield significant improvements in sleep apnea symptoms and overall quality of life.

Fostering a Collaborative Treatment Approach

Successful sleep apnea treatment often involves a collaborative approach between dental and medical professionals, ensuring comprehensive care that addresses all aspects of the condition. Key components of a collaborative treatment approach include:

1. Consultation with a sleep specialist: Work with a sleep specialist for the accurate diagnosis of sleep apnea and the development of an initial treatment plan.

2. Evaluation by a dental professional: To address the oral health issues contributing to sleep apnea, consult a qualified dental professional with expertise in sleep apnea therapy. They can recommend and provide appropriate dental treatments tailored to your specific needs.

3. Ongoing communication and follow-up: Regular communication and follow-up appointments with all members of your healthcare team are crucial to assess your progress, make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan and monitor your overall health.


Understanding the connection between sleep apnea and oral health is essential for exploring comprehensive treatment options that address all aspects of this sleep disorder. By focusing on dental health as an integral component of your sleep apnea treatment journey, you can alleviate symptoms, improve sleep quality and enhance overall well-being. At CSAT Taylorsville - The Center For Sleep Apnea and TMJ, our experienced professionals are dedicated to providing personalized support and targeted dental solutions for sleep apnea. Contact us today to learn more about how our commitment to dental health can help you achieve better sleep and a healthier, happier life.