Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) is a specialized form of therapy that focuses on the functional coordination of orofacial muscles, targeting their strength, mobility, and coordination. OMT has been increasingly recognized as an effective approach in the treatment and management of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders and sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea. At CSAT Taylorsville - The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ, our team of sleep and TMJ experts, led by Dr. Jamison Spencer, DMD, MS, is dedicated to providing comprehensive care that incorporates Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, allowing patients to experience the benefits of improved oral function, reduced symptoms, and enhanced overall well-being.

In this article, we will discuss the principles behind Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, its applications in the management of TMJ disorders and sleep disorders, and how CSAT Taylorsville - The Center for Sleep Apnea, and TMJ effectively utilize this approach as part of our personalized treatment plans. By understanding the significance of orofacial myofunctional therapy, patients can gain a better grasp on their conditions and appreciate the multi-faceted approach taken by our team in addressing their specific needs and improving their quality of life.

Addressing TMJ disorders and sleep disorders requires an in-depth understanding of the intricate relationship between orofacial muscles, jaw function, and breathing. Through Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy, patients receive the care, guidance, and support necessary to achieve optimized oral function and reduced symptom severity, going a long way in boosting overall health and well-being.

Understanding Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT)

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) is a non-invasive approach that aims to correct or improve the function of facial and oral muscles, addressing issues such as improper swallowing patterns, tongue posture, orofacial muscle imbalances, and mouth breathing. This therapy focuses on teaching patients exercises that target these muscle groups, improving their strength, mobility, and coordination. By doing so, OMT can contribute significantly to the management and relief of symptoms associated with TMJ disorders and sleep disorders.

OMT in the Management of TMJ Disorders

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, which affect the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull, can result in pain, impaired jaw function, and a range of other symptoms, including headaches, earaches, difficulty chewing, and facial discomfort. The role of orofacial myofunctional therapy in the management of TMJ disorders is twofold:

  • Correcting Muscle Imbalance
  • Many patients with TMJ disorders experience an imbalance in the muscles responsible for jaw movement and stabilization. OMT exercises help strengthen weakened muscles while promoting proper coordination among muscle groups, contributing to improved jaw function and reduced symptoms.
  • Addressing Oral Habits
  • Oral habits such as teeth clenching, grinding, or improper swallowing can aggravate TMJ disorders. OMT includes behavior modification techniques and exercises that help patients develop healthier oral habits, in turn alleviating the strain on the temporomandibular joint.

OMT in the Management of Sleep Disorders

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a common sleep disorder, results from partial or complete airway blockage during sleep, leading to disrupted sleep and potentially severe health consequences. Orofacial myofunctional therapy can play a vital role in the treatment of sleep apnea and other sleep disorders by addressing the root causes of airway obstruction. OMT can help in the following ways:

  • Enhancing Tongue and Mouth Posture
  • Proper tongue and mouth posture is essential for maintaining an open airway during sleep. OMT exercises help retrain the muscles responsible for tongue and mouth posture, making it less likely that the tongue will fall back into the airway and cause airway obstruction.
  • Strengthening Airway Muscles
  • Weakness in the muscles surrounding the airway can contribute to sleep apnea. OMT targets and strengthens these muscles, ultimately promoting airway stability and reducing the risk of obstruction.

Incorporating OMT at CSAT Taylorsville—The Center For Sleep Apnea and TMJ

CSAT Taylorsville: The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ recognizes the value of orofacial myofunctional therapy in addressing TMJ disorders and sleep disorders. Our expert specialists utilize OMT for the following benefits:

  • Comprehensive Treatment Plans
  • Incorporating OMT into our patient care approach allows us to create comprehensive, personalized treatment plans that address the root causes of TMJ and sleep disorders. We believe that addressing these issues holistically results in the best possible outcomes for our patients.
  • A Multidisciplinary Approach
  • Our team maintains a multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of TMJ and sleep disorders, incorporating dental, medical, and behavioral therapies. This collaboration ensures that our patients receive the most effective and well-rounded care possible.
  • Patient Education and Empowerment
  • We understand the importance of empowering our patients in their treatment journey. By incorporating OMT exercises and techniques, patients can actively participate in their recovery and experience a sense of control over their condition.


The incorporation of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy in the management of TMJ disorders and sleep disorders at CSAT Taylorsville—The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ—represents our dedication to addressing the root causes of these conditions and promoting lasting improvements in our patients' health and quality of life. By understanding the significance of OMT and the benefits it offers, patients can appreciate the comprehensive, personalized care provided by our expert team.

If you or a loved one is struggling with a TMJ disorder or sleep disorder, contact CSAT Taylorsville, The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ. With our multidisciplinary approach and commitment to incorporating Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy into our treatment plans, we strive to help our patients achieve improved oral function, reduced symptoms, and, ultimately, a happier, healthier life. Visit our clinic today for more information on sleep apnea and TMJ treatment options.