A considerable portion of the population is affected by the temporomandibular condition, which can cause pain, clicking, or discomfort in the jaw. TMJ problem symptoms may appear gradually and be a benign inconvenience that can be overlooked. However, untreated TMJ may worsen and become ongoing and severe. If you disregard this, it may have an impact on areas of your daily life. 

Having a TMJ issue hurts. There is no denying that. The untreated TMJ pain, however, may be far more excruciating.

Perhaps you don't believe your TMJ discomfort is that bad or you haven't gotten the care you require yet. Or perhaps you aren't even aware that your discomfort is being brought on by TMJ problems. Whatever the situation, you might believe it is simple to continue dealing with the discomfort, but you shouldn't. 

Chronic TMJ symptoms can have long-term effects not only lowers your quality of life now but also endangers your future.

Long-term Consequences of Untreated TMJ:

Persistent Jaw Pain

Chronic jaw pain is among the first symptoms you'll experience if your TMJ condition is left untreated. You may have previously experienced some jaw pain, which is likely what brought you to your Spokane Valley dentist's office in the first place. As your TMJ condition is left untreated, this jaw pain will only get progressively worse. It will go from being sporadic to being a constant annoyance in your life.

Acute pain typically serves as a warning to the brain that something is wrong. When you ignore acute pain and do nothing to address it, the signal intensifies, and you develop chronic pain that never goes away. This is the long-term effect of TMJ. 

Migraines and Recurring Headaches

Sometimes you could wake up with a headache or a migraine, but they will only get worse if you don't undergo TMJ therapy. The temporomandibular joint connects the jaw to the skull, which is why TMJ conditions can cause headaches. Your skull, your neck, and your back are all covered in muscles that surround the joint. Headaches might result from the inflammation of the joint, which can also affect the nearby muscles.

Inflammation will persist if treatment is not given, and damage will worsen.

Your headaches will consequently only get worse and more common over time. Pain relief from over-the-counter drugs is just temporary.

Damage to Joints and Inflammation

Imagine a broken bone in the jaw joint. The break will worsen if you don't put it in a cast and wait for it to heal naturally. Your jaw joint is similarly affected. Your condition will deteriorate if you don't give it time to rest and recover.

This may cause even more joint inflammation and harm. In addition, rather than using an oral splint, you might need surgery. Don't ignore your TMJ condition if you want to prevent an expensive and uncomfortable treatment in the future.

Issues with Sleep

TMJ issues are frequently caused by a misplaced bite. Bite alignment issues might also affect how well you sleep. Your jaw does not lay properly in your mouth when it is misaligned, which may cause it to block your airway. Obstructive sleep apnea, a significant sleep disorder that prevents you from getting enough oxygen at night, may occur from this. Instead, you will experience frequent nighttime awakenings and poor sleep quality. TMJ Therapy Utah is the right choice for you, don’t delay; contact us. You will feel a variety of symptoms throughout the day, including weariness and brain fog. Loud snoring at night is one sign that you may have a sleep issue. You may have sleep apnea in addition to TMJ if your bedmate notices you snoring or waking up in the middle of the night coughing and choking. Living with TMJ not only affects you but your partner as well.

Lower Quality of Life

You will experience a wide range of unpleasant symptoms if TMJ is left untreated, and these symptoms can significantly reduce your quality of life. You might miss more work due to your frequent headaches and ongoing discomfort, decline social engagements, and spend most of your time miserable in bed. You might not be able to enjoy your favorite dishes if you have jaw pain. You need to seek therapy if you've observed that your quality of life has been impacted by TMJ so that you may lead the life you deserve.

Dental Health Issues

Typically, clenching and grinding go hand in hand with TMJ issues. If you don't get help, you'll keep clenching and grinding your teeth. Your teeth will eventually get cracked or broken due to clenching and grinding. This may cause your gums to recede and necessitate extensive restorative dentistry to rebuild the strength and structure of your teeth. Untreated TMJ can lead to a variety of dental issues and future treatments that may be required.


Imagine having a car alarm go off continuously throughout the day. This is what it's like to have tinnitus all the time. Your tinnitus will only get worse if you don't get TMJ therapy. You may get more agitated and find it harder to concentrate.


You'll probably only want to eat soft or watery foods while your jaw is sore. This could have a significant impact on the nutrients you consume and result in malnutrition.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Many people use opiates, other medications, and alcohol to treat their pain. You run the risk of abusing drugs and alcohol if you don't get your TMJ treated.

Treatment for TMJ in Utah

Because you refuse to get your TMJ ailment treated, don't let all these issues become a reality for you. Your TMJ treatment in Salt Lake City will address future issues that can be avoided with a personalized TMJ treatment plan from TMJ dentists. To begin, only one brief consultation is necessary. 

At the Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ Utah, we offer amazing treatment options for TMJ, so don’t hesitate to come in for TMJ Treatment Utah.