Sleep apnea is a condition that affects your breathing while you sleep, often leading to poor sleep quality and various health issues. One effective treatment option for sleep apnea is the use of mouth guards. These devices help keep your airway open, allowing you to breathe better while you sleep.

Dr. Mangelson is well-known for his expertise in treating sleep apnea with custom mouth guards. These mouth guards are designed specifically for each patient to ensure the best fit and effectiveness. They are a great CPAP alternative for those who find CPAP machines uncomfortable or cumbersome.

In this guide, we will talk about what sleep apnea mouth guards are, how they work, and why they are beneficial. We will also explore Dr. Mangelson’s thorough process for fitting custom mouth guards and provide some tips on how to care for these devices to ensure they last and work well. This information will help you understand how mouth guards can make a big difference in managing sleep apnea and improving your quality of life.

What Are Sleep Apnea Mouth Guards and How Do They Work?

Sleep apnea mouth guards, also known as oral appliances or mouthpieces, are devices worn over the teeth during sleep. These mouth guards are designed to keep the airway open by repositioning the jaw and tongue. This helps prevent the airway from collapsing, which is a common problem in obstructive sleep apnea.

Mouth guards work by gently moving the lower jaw forward. This forward positioning helps to keep the airway open, making it easier to breathe while sleeping. Unlike CPAP machines, which use air pressure to keep the airway open, mouth guards offer a comfortable, quiet solution. They are made from soft, pliable materials, ensuring comfort throughout the night.

Benefits of Using Mouth Guards for Sleep Apnea

Using a mouth guard for sleep apnea comes with many benefits. One of the primary advantages is the comfort they provide compared to other treatments. Mouth guards are less intrusive and easier to get used to, making them an excellent CPAP alternative for many people.

Another significant benefit is their ease of use. Once custom-fitted by Dr. Mangelson, these mouth guards are simple to wear and maintain. They don’t require electricity or a bulky setup, making them perfect for travel. Additionally, mouth guards are silent, which is a relief for both the user and anyone sharing the same room.

Mouth guards also help improve the quality of sleep. By keeping the airway open, they reduce interruptions in breathing. This leads to a more restful night, allowing you to wake up feeling more refreshed. Over time, using a mouth guard can reduce the health risks associated with untreated sleep apnea, like high blood pressure and heart issues.

Dr. Mangelson's Process for Custom-Fitting Sleep Apnea Mouth Guards

Dr. Mangelson is renowned for his meticulous process in creating custom-fitted sleep apnea mouth guards. The journey begins with a comprehensive consultation where we discuss your symptoms, medical history, and specific needs. This initial step is crucial for understanding the severity of your condition and tailoring the treatment accordingly.

Next, we take precise impressions of your teeth and jaw. These molds are used to create a mouth guard that fits your unique dental structure perfectly. Once the custom mouth guard is ready, Dr. Mangelson makes any necessary adjustments to ensure maximum comfort and effectiveness. We then provide you with detailed instructions on how to use and care for the mouth guard, ensuring you get the full benefit of this sleep apnea treatment.

Tips for Caring for Your Sleep Apnea Mouth Guard

Proper care and maintenance of your sleep apnea mouth guard are vital for ensuring its effectiveness and longevity. Dr. Mangelson recommends daily cleaning of the mouth guard using a soft-bristle toothbrush and a mild, non-abrasive cleaner. This routine helps prevent bacteria buildup and keeps the device hygienic for nightly use.

Storage is equally important. Always keep your mouth guard in a protective case when it's not in use. This prevents damage and maintains its shape. Avoid exposing the mouth guard to extreme temperatures as it can affect its integrity. Dr. Mangelson also suggests regular check-ups to ensure the mouth guard continues to fit well and function effectively. During these visits, we can make any necessary adjustments and check for wear and tear, helping you maintain the effectiveness of your sleep apnea treatment.


Addressing sleep apnea effectively requires the right tools and expert guidance. Dr. Mangelson's detailed process for custom-fitting sleep apnea mouth guards ensures a tailored treatment plan that meets your specific needs. Proper care and regular maintenance of your mouth guard are essential steps in achieving sustained sleep apnea relief. By choosing an oral appliance, you can manage sleep apnea comfortably, improve your sleep quality, and enhance your overall health.

If you struggle with sleep apnea and are looking for a reliable sleep apnea mouth guard, Dr. Mangelson at CSAT Taylorsville - The Center For Sleep Apnea and TMJ can help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards better sleep and a healthier life.