At CSAT Taylorsville, The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ, we focus on delivering treatments that not only address sleep and pain disorders but significantly enhance your quality of life. Among our most effective tools in managing sleep disturbances linked to sleep apnea and TMJ disorders are custom mouth guards, designed and personalized under the watchful eye of Dr. Mangelson.

Sleep apnea, a condition marked by repetitive breathing pauses during sleep, can lead to daytime fatigue, cardiovascular issues, and other health complications. Similarly, TMJ disorders can cause significant discomfort, affecting the jaw and overall oral health. In our commitment to non-invasive, straightforward treatments, we've seen how custom-fit mouth guards can transform the sleep experiences of our patients by maintaining an optimal airway passage and reducing jaw tension.

Dr. Mangelson, with his extensive expertise in sleep dentistry and TMJ treatments, carefully assesses each patient to ensure their mouth guard is tailored specifically to their needs. This personalized attention not only helps in achieving immediate comfort but also long-term health benefits, allowing our patients to enjoy a restful night without the need for intrusive machines or surgeries.

Understanding the Functionality of Custom Mouth Guards

At CSAT Taylorsville, The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ, we are committed to enhancing your sleep quality and overall health through innovative treatments. One of the most effective tools we utilize are custom mouth guards. These devices are meticulously crafted to fit the unique contours of your mouth, ensuring not just comfort but also effectiveness in treating sleep apnea and TMJ disorders. The primary function of these mouth guards is to hold your jaw in a position that prevents the airway from collapsing during sleep, which is a common issue for those suffering from sleep apnea.

Moreover, for our patients experiencing TMJ disorders, these guards help by positioning the jaw in a way that reduces stress on the temporomandibular joint, alleviates pain, and prevents further damage. By customizing each mouth guard, Dr. Mangelson ensures that it addresses the specific medical needs and comfort preferences of each patient, making it a fundamental part of their treatment plan.

How Dr. Mangelson's Custom Mouth Guards Enhance Sleep Quality

Dr. Mangelson's approach to custom mouth guards at CSAT Taylorsville goes beyond mere functionality. These guards are pivotal in enhancing sleep quality for our patients. With sleep apnea, the intermittent blocking of the airway not only disrupts sleep but also decreases the oxygen levels that are crucial for body functions. By ensuring the airway remains open throughout the night, our mouth guards facilitate uninterrupted breathing, leading to deeper, more restorative sleep.

Patients who have switched to our custom mouth guards report a significant reduction in sleep apnea symptoms such as loud snoring and frequent awakenings. Furthermore, a well-rested night translates into improved energy levels, a better mood, and greater mental alertness during the day. Dr. Mangelson also emphasizes the importance of a perfect fit, which enhances comfort and encourages consistent use, crucial factors in long-term treatment success. This focus on both medical efficiency and patient comfort helps us ensure that each patient experiences optimal benefits from their treatment.

The Process of Crafting Your Personalized Mouth Guard

At CSAT Taylorsville, the creation of your personalized mouth guard begins with a detailed consultation led by Dr. Mangelson. This initial step involves understanding your specific requirements and conducting thorough dental impressions. These impressions ensure that the mouth guard fits flawlessly, providing optimal effectiveness in preventing sleep apnea episodes and reducing TMJ discomfort. Dr. Mangelson employs cutting-edge technology to scan your mouth with precision, capturing every contour necessary to design a mouthpiece that aligns perfectly with your dental and jaw structures.

After obtaining the dental impressions, these are sent to our specialized lab, where your custom mouth guard is created using durable, medical-grade materials. The customization process is closely overseen by Dr. Mangelson, who ensures that each mouth guard meets our high standards for quality and patient-specific customization. Before finalizing the product, a fitting session is scheduled to make any necessary adjustments, guaranteeing comfort and functionality. This meticulous process ensures that the mouth guard not only fits perfectly but also effectively mitigates the symptoms of sleep apnea and TMJ disorders.

Tips for Adjusting to and Caring for Your New Mouth Guard

Once you receive your custom mouth guard, adjusting to its use is critical for achieving the best results. Initially, it may feel unusual to sleep with a mouth guard, but most of our patients quickly adapt to the sensation within a few nights. Dr. Mangelson recommends starting by wearing the mouth guard for a few hours during the day to become accustomed to the feel, gradually increasing wear time to full nights when comfortable.

Caring for your mouth guard is straightforward yet essential for maintaining its condition and effectiveness. Daily cleaning is recommended; simply brush it gently with toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush or rinse it in cool water with mild soap. Store the mouth guard in a dry, ventilated case when not in use, and avoid exposure to extreme temperatures to preserve the material integrity. Regular check-ups with Dr. Mangelson will ensure that the mouth guard remains in optimal condition and continues to meet your treatment goals.


At CSAT Taylorsville, The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ, we understand the challenges of living with sleep apnea and TMJ disorders. Our commitment to providing high-quality, customized treatment solutions like Dr. Mangelson's custom mouth guards reflects our dedication to your health and well-being. These devices are not just tools to alleviate symptoms but are designed to improve your overall quality of life by ensuring restful sleep and reducing pain.

If you're struggling with sleep apnea or TMJ issues and looking for a non-invasive solution, consider exploring the benefits of a custom sleep apnea mouth guard. Reach out to us at CSAT Taylorsville, and let Dr. Mangelson guide you towards better sleep and a more comfortable life. Your journey to better health starts here.