At CSAT Taylorsville - The Center For Sleep Apnea and TMJ, we are dedicated to providing innovative solutions that transform the lives of those struggling with sleep apnea. Led by the expertise of Dr. Mangelson, our approach to sleep apnea treatment goes beyond conventional methods. We focus on offering a personalized treatment experience that emphasizes comfort, effectiveness, and patient education. Our goal is to empower our patients to achieve better sleep and improved overall health without the use of invasive methods.

Dr. Mangelson, with extensive experience in both dental sleep medicine and TMJ disorders, has developed a comprehensive treatment regime using oral appliance therapy. This therapy is a leading alternative to CPAP machines, which many find cumbersome and intrusive. By using state-of-the-art technology and a deep understanding of dental anatomy, Dr. Mangelson crafts customized oral appliances that not only alleviate sleep apnea symptoms but also cater to individual needs and preferences.

Our treatment process is patient-centric, focusing on thorough consultations and assessments to ensure that every aspect of your sleep health is addressed. Under Dr. Mangelson's guidance, our team is committed to helping you understand your condition, the role of oral appliance therapy in your treatment, and how it can lead to a significant improvement in your daily life and health. We invite you to continue exploring how our dedicated approach and Dr. Mangelson's innovative methods can make a difference in your journey toward better sleep and wellness.

Dr. Mangelson's Expertise in Sleep Apnea and Oral Appliance Therapy

Under the guidance of Dr. Mangelson, we pride ourselves on pioneering advancements in treating sleep apnea through personalized oral appliance therapy. With extensive training in dental sleep medicine, Dr. Mangelson brings a wealth of knowledge and a nuanced understanding of how dental health impacts sleep quality. His approach is not just about treating sleep apnea symptoms but addressing the root causes, often related to dental and jaw alignment.

In our center, Dr. Mangelson meticulously evaluates each case, integrating the latest research and clinical practices to design treatment plans that are tailored to the unique needs of our patients. This level of customization is crucial because each person's anatomy and health requirements differ. We continually innovate to incorporate safer, more effective treatments that significantly improve sleep quality without the need for invasive procedures.

Key Features of Our Customized Sleep Apnea Oral Appliances

Our customized oral appliances stand out because of their tailored design, comfort, and effectiveness. Each appliance is crafted to fit perfectly, ensuring that it not only treats sleep apnea but does so with the utmost comfort for the wearer. Here are a few key features that make our appliances unique:

1. Personalized Fit: Each device is modeled from a detailed impression of the patient’s teeth and mouth structure. This ensures a snug, comfortable fit that holds the jaw in the optimal position for airway maintenance throughout the night.

2. Adjustable: Our devices come with adjustable settings that can be fine-tuned by Dr. Mangelson. This ensures that as your treatment progresses, adjustments can be made to maximize the effectiveness of the appliance.

3. High-Quality Materials: We use medically approved materials that are durable, safe, and designed to last. These materials ensure that the device performs optimally for a long time.

4. User-Friendliness: Our oral appliances are designed to be simple to use. They are easy to insert and remove, making the nightly process as hassle-free as possible.

5. Effectiveness: The primary benefit of our appliances is their effectiveness in treating sleep apnea, providing significant improvement in sleep quality and reducing associated health risks without surgery or medication.

By incorporating these elements into our custom devices, we ensure that each patient receives not only advanced medical care but also a comfortable and convenient treatment experience.

Patient Success Stories: How Dr. Mangelson's Treatments Have Improved Lives

Hearing directly from those we've treated offers profound insights into the impact of our customized sleep apnea treatments. Many of our patients share uplifting stories about how Dr. Mangelson’s oral appliances have restored their sleep quality and overall life satisfaction. For instance, one of our patients, a long-time sufferer of sleep apnea, experienced significant improvements in both sleep and daytime energy within weeks of using our specially designed mouthpiece. This individual's success story is not unique; numerous patients have reported enhanced sleep, reduced snoring, and more productive days as a direct result of following Dr. Mangelson's treatment plans.

Furthermore, families of our patients have noted marked improvements in their loved ones’ health and mood. The non-invasive nature of oral appliances makes them a favorable option over more cumbersome treatments, leading to higher compliance rates and, ultimately, better health outcomes. These testimonials are a testament to the dedication we put into each custom-made appliance and the expert care provided by Dr. Mangelson.

Steps to Begin Your Journey with Dr. Mangelson's Oral Appliance Therapy

Starting treatment with Dr. Mangelson is straightforward and designed to ensure that each patient receives the most effective care. The first step involves a detailed consultation to discuss your symptoms, health history, and any previous sleep apnea treatments you’ve tried. This initial meeting is crucial for designing a treatment path that is uniquely yours.

Following this, we conduct a thorough examination, including dental impressions to make certain that the oral appliance will be a perfect fit. Once the custom-fit mouthpiece is ready, we schedule a fitting session where Dr. Mangelson personally adjusts the appliance to the precise specifications needed for optimal results. We monitor your progress closely, with follow-up visits to adjust the appliance as necessary and to ensure that your sleep apnea symptoms are being effectively managed.


With Dr. Mangelson's expertise and the use of advanced oral appliance therapy, our patients have seen substantial improvements in their sleep patterns and overall health, making our treatment a standout choice. These appliances not only provide a non-invasive alternative to traditional treatments but are custom-tailored to meet the specific needs of each patient, ensuring comfort and effectiveness.

If you or a loved one are struggling with sleep apnea and looking for a treatment that promises ease of use with proven results, consider reaching out to us at CSAT Taylorsville - The Center For Sleep Apnea and TMJ. Begin your journey towards better sleep and a healthier lifestyle by scheduling a consultation with us today. Let us help you achieve the restful sleep you deserve with the pioneering sleep apnea treatment solutions offered by Dr. Mangelson.