If you're exploring treatments for sleep apnea that don't involve CPAP machines, you've come to the right place. Here at our center, we specialize in alternative solutions that are both effective and comfortable. Dr. Mangelson, with years of dedication and expertise, has developed custom-designed oral appliances that have transformed the sleep quality for many of our patients.

Sleep apnea is a condition that can disrupt more than just a good night's rest. It can affect your overall health, mood, and daily performance. Recognizing this, our approach focuses on personalized care, where each treatment plan is tailored to meet the unique needs of our patients. Guided by Dr. Mangelson’s comprehensive understanding of sleep medicine and dental science, we offer specialized oral appliances as a cornerstone of our treatment strategies.

Typical CPAP devices can be cumbersome and uncomfortable, leading some patients to search for less intrusive alternatives. This is where our oral appliance therapy comes into play. Designed to be small, portable, and easy to use, these devices not only alleviate the symptoms of sleep apnea but also enhance your comfort, ensuring a peaceful sleep. Let's delve into how these devices work and why they might be the perfect solution for your sleep apnea treatment needs.

Understanding Sleep Apnea and the Role of Oral Appliances

Sleep apnea, a condition where breathing stops intermittently during sleep, remains a significant challenge for many. But why do these breathing interruptions happen? In most cases, it’s due to the soft tissues in the throat collapsing, blocking the airway. Here, the role of oral appliances becomes pivotal. Oral appliances manage this condition by keeping the airway open during sleep, thus preventing collapses, which are common in obstructive sleep apnea.

Dr. Mangelson has spent significant time understanding and treating this condition with the help of tailor-made oral appliances. Unlike more intrusive approaches such as CPAP machines, our oral devices are designed to be worn in the mouth, just like a sports mouth guard or an orthodontic retainer. They subtly adjust the position of the jaw and/or tongue to keep the airway open, offering an effective and comfortable night's sleep. With these appliances, we aim not just to alleviate symptoms but to provide a lasting solution that fits seamlessly into your lifestyle.

How Dr. Mangelson's Custom Oral Appliances Work

When you visit us for sleep apnea treatment, Dr. Mangelson begins with a thorough examination of your mouth, airway, and any symptoms you have been experiencing. This detailed assessment informs the design of your personalized oral appliance. Each device is custom-built to fit perfectly, thus maximizing comfort and effectiveness. The uniqueness of your mouth and dental structure requires precise measurements that ensure your appliance not only fits but also works effectively to keep your air passages open while you sleep.

Here’s how we craft a custom oral appliance:

1. Assessment and Diagnosis: Understand the specific needs and challenges of your sleep apnea.

2. Impressions and Measurements: We take accurate molds of your teeth to ensure the appliance fits comfortably.

3. Device Fabrication: Using high-quality materials, the appliance is crafted to precise specifications.

4. Fitting and Adjustments: Once created, Dr. Mangelson will fit the appliance, making fine adjustments to ensure optimal performance.

5. Follow-Up Care: We monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to ensure long-term comfort and effectiveness.

This customized approach not only helps maintain natural sleep patterns but also significantly reduces or eliminates the symptoms of sleep apnea, such as loud snoring and frequent waking.

Benefits of Using Oral Appliances as an Alternative to CPAP

There are significant benefits to using oral appliances as an alternative to CPAP machines in the treatment of sleep apnea. These devices are especially valued for their simplicity and comfort. Unlike CPAP machines, which can be noisy and cumbersome, oral appliances are compact, quiet, and easy to use. They fit in the mouth like a sports mouthguard or an orthodontic retainer, subtly realigning your jaw or tongue to keep the airway open while you sleep.

Many of our patients have expressed a higher level of satisfaction with oral appliances because they are less intrusive and do not restrict movement during sleep. This freedom allows for a more natural sleep experience, which contributes to better overall compliance and effectiveness of the treatment. Additionally, oral appliances are portable, making them an ideal solution for frequent travelers.

Getting Started with Dr. Mangelson: What to Expect During Your Consultation

When you come to us for a consultation about sleep apnea treatment, Dr. Mangelson will guide you through a comprehensive examination process to determine the most effective solution tailored specifically for you. The consultation begins with a detailed discussion about your symptoms and medical history, followed by a physical examination focusing on your airway, jaw, and tooth alignment.

From there, Dr. Mangelson may recommend a custom-fitted oral appliance. He will take impressions of your teeth to ensure the appliance fits perfectly and functions effectively. Our team will also provide detailed instructions on how to use and care for your appliance, ensuring you feel confident and prepared to start your treatment. We strive to make the process as seamless and stress-free as possible, with a focus on providing you with the comfort and support you need.


At our center, we understand the critical impact sleep apnea has on one’s health and quality of life. Under the experienced guidance of Dr. Mangelson, we are committed to providing effective, comfortable, and easy-to-use treatments. Our customized oral appliances offer an excellent alternative for those seeking a less invasive, more comfortable solution to their sleep apnea.

With Dr. Mangelson’s expertise, we are dedicated to helping you achieve better, healthier sleep with sleep apnea treatment in Salt Lake City. If you’re tired of struggling with sleep apnea and looking for a change, it’s time to consider the benefits of an oral appliance. Call us today at CSAT Taylorsville - The Center for Sleep Apnea and TMJ to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward a restful night’s sleep.